Until last year, yogurt was yogurt to me; as long as it was nonfat and sugar free, I’d eat it. The lower the calories, the better. Then one day my boyfriend & I were talking about the artificial sweeteners and how small amounts of sugar in your diet have got to be better for you than all the fake junk out there. After that conversation I tried several brands of yogurt that he carries at his store.
I tried lowfat versions of the following: Wallaby Organic fruit at the bottom, Horizon Organic with the fruit mixed in and Stoneyfield Farms Organic with the fruit mixed in. I have to say, I am not a fan of fruit at the bottom so the Wallaby was out. Stoneyfield was good but it was the Horizon that I fell madly and deeply in love with; especially the peach. It was then that I converted to Horizon and strictly Horizon. The consistency was perfect, not runny or soupy, firm but not too dense or thick. The flavor was as close to fresh fruit as you can get and there wasn’t any awful faux sugar aftertaste.
As the months went on and I’d buy my weeks worth of yogurt I noticed a decline in stock at the local stores. First my boyfriend’s store stopped carrying it due to low sales, then the supermarket slashed the prices and eventually stopped carrying it. I checked other grocery stores, my local Whole Foods, no one had it!
This week, when I did my grocery shopping I purchased several varieties to see if I could find one to replace my beloved Horizon. I purchased Stoneyfield Farms with the fruit mixed in again, Wallaby with the fruit mixed in and Fage Greek yogurt with a cherry sidecar.
Stoneyfield was ok but I would have liked it a bit sweeter, thicker and less diluted in flavor. I had the Wallaby this morning and it was runny; almost like kefir (a beverage made from cultured milk) in consistency and I basically drank it out of the container.
I haven’t tried the Fage yet but I’m sure I’ll like it as I love plain Greek yogurt. My concern is this: The density; for yogurt as a snack, I prefer something a little less dense. When I use Greek yogurt, it’s as a sour cream substitute because it’s got the perfect consistency.
If anyone has had Horizon and has found a similar yogurt, I would love to hear it!
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