i’m fed up! fed up with myself.
last night i ate a healthy dinner and decided to have a few ounces of red wine. 3 ounces led to 6, then 9, then 12, then 16. four ounces of red wine a day is considered “drinking in moderation” for a female. if that’s the case, then i had 4 servings of wine, definitely NOT drinking in moderation! but that’s not the issue so much.
the BIG issue is that after i had the wine, i ate. i had four 4” x 3” wheat free crackers, a cheese stick and an apple with way more than a serving of peanut butter.
i realized this morning that losing weight will be just about impossible if i don’t increase my exercise and if i continue to drink.
by drinking, even if it’s just 1 glass, i’m sabotaging myself. losing weight as one gets older is hard enough without self-sabotage.
i’m lazy and i love my booze; this will be a struggle but it’s something i NEED to commit to. if i don’t, i’ll find myself so overweight by my mid 40’s that the possibility of getting healthy will be too overwhelming.
i’m done being angry with myself, i’m done being fed up, i’m done making excuses! today is DAY 1 and i’m going to be healthier and extremely mindful of what i eat. i will focus on creating wholesome and tasty foods but most of all i will increase my activity level, i will limit drinking to 1-2 nights a week and avoid late night binges at all costs!!!
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